
Showing posts from March, 2018

St. Patrick's Day

Celebrating St Patrick's Day. The following blendspace and actitivities aim to learn more about this festivity and about Ireland through discussions, reading, listening, music, a very popular Irish TV programme and video tutorial from Youtube. This is my tribute to Irish music. U2   The Cranberries Van Morrison

Three, two, one, off we go! Roll


Verb patterns

 First read Cambridge Free Dictionary Online on verb patterns  Here Then try to work through the following app.

Reported Speech

Avatar & ToonDoo

Hello! Just in case you were wondering how I look like...I am kind of like this... My first ToonDoo By fguegar | View this Toon at ToonDoo | Create your own Toon

Erasmus+ Experience

Here you can access my Canva posters about my Erasmus+ Experience.




Worth through the following crossword

Fruits and Vegetables

Work through this word grid to see how many fruits and vegetables you can find. If you need a hint you just have to click on top of 'pista'.


Fill in the gaps in the following song:

How much do you know about Malta?

#partygames by Fátima Guerra Work through the following crossword to see how much you know about Malta. If you click on top of any line/word we will get the key question and the squares for your answer.  

Let's go shopping

Work through the below apps to revise/learn some vocabulary of shopping. I'm sure that was too easy, let's see now if you know the following shopping expressions. 

7 body language tips

The following video is a listening comprehension exercise. Watch the video '7 body language tips to ace your job interview' and answer the questions.

History of the English Language

Watch the video and complete the assingment  

My first post

Hello everybody, greetings from Malta! This is my first blog post Yeah!!! I am doing this thanks to a course on ICT I am attending at the ETI school in Malta and thanks to the founding of the Erasmus+ programme for EOIs in Spain.  Malta is a beautiful island. It is a little too overpopulated and I am always trying to imagine how it was in the past. View of Valletta from the ferry Sliema-Valletta Blue Grotto in the South of Malta Beach in Gozo